Moore Protection

What To Do if Someone Breaks Into Your Home

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What To Do if Someone Breaks Into Your Home

Statistically speaking, a break-in occurs every 26 seconds in the U.S. The intruder could be there to rob you, vandalize your property, or cause physical harm. You could know them (there’s a 65.1% chance that you do!) or they could be a total stranger. Either way, witnessing a break-in will likely be one of the most terrifying events of your life. It’s important to be prepared. Here’s what you should do if someone breaks into your home:

If You Are Present During the Break-In

Though most break-ins occur when a building is vacant, 27.6% of them happen when someone is home. If you find yourself in this horrifying situation, take these steps:

Confirm that a Break-in is Actually Happening

You heard an alarming noise. Maybe it sounded like footsteps, glass shattering, or a door creaking. Quickly and quietly look around to see if a burglary is in progress. Check your video doorbell or security cameras if you have them. It’s possible that it could be normal house sounds from plumbing, appliances, or pets.

Remain Calm

If you confirm the presence of an intruder, it’s important to stay quiet and calm. As your heart rate speeds up, your “fight, flight or freeze” response could kick in. Take a deep breath and try to think logically. Panicked breathing and movements could cause you to act irrationally and give yourself away. The last thing you want is to come face-to-face with the trespasser.

Look for an Escape

The best plan of action is to flee the premises and go somewhere safe. This removes you from a potentially dangerous situation and allows you to call the police. If possible, try to do this without the burglar noticing. 

Hide if You Can’t Escape

If you are unable to get out, look for a place to hide. Confrontation with an intruder could result in violence. Find a room or closet that locks from the inside. Some people have “safe rooms” or “panic rooms” designed for these situations. If you have tactical training, now is the time to pick up your weapon in case you come in contact with the burglar. If you aren’t professionally trained, refrain from wielding any sort of weapon. Doing so will actually increase your risk for harm. 

Call the Police

Once you’ve escaped or found a hiding place, quietly call the police. Speak slowly so that the dispatcher can understand what you’re saying. If you are unable to speak, you may be able to send a text message to 9-1-1. Type your message clearly and don’t use emojis or images.

Take Note of Everything

If you are lucky, the police will get there before the burglar has left. However, if law enforcement doesn’t make it in time, you’ll need to provide them with information. If possible, provide images of the invader or their vehicle. Gather footage from your home security system. Otherwise, try to memorize details about their appearance or their license plate number. Also, tell the police which direction they ran off in.

If You Weren’t Present for the Break-in 

It’s more likely that you won’t be present for a burglary. Most thieves attempt break-ins when there’s no one home. They’re goal is to rob you without getting caught. Even so, it’s still disheartening and even traumatizing to discover a ransacked home. The last thing you want to come home to is a crime scene. If you suspect your house has been robbed, take action immediately.

Call the Police

Before doing anything else, call law enforcement. Avoid touching anything or disturbing the scene of the crime. Doing so could destroy valuable evidence, such as fingerprints, footprints or hair strands. After the police investigate, they will file a report.

Gather Evidence

Once the police give you the go-ahead, take some time to collect evidence for the police and for your insurance company. Pull up footage from your home security system, if you have one. Also, make a list of everything that was damaged or stolen. In order to file an insurance claim, you’ll need to provide proof of losses. Be prepared to provide repair invoices and receipts for stolen items. If you have images of your house before and after it was ransacked, that could also serve as proof.

Submit a Claim

Once you’ve collected all necessary evidence and obtained the police report, you can file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company. If all goes well, you should be able to recover some of your losses. However, it’s possible that you will encounter a higher premium in the future. SInce your home was broken into, insurance companies will view your case as higher risk.

Avoid Home Break-ins With a Security System From Moore Protection

If you’ve experienced a break-in, you know the trauma and loss this can cause. Homes without security systems are 300% more likely to encounter a burglary. No matter where you live, you’ll benefit from the protection of a home security system. With Moore Protection, we aren’t interested in sneaky sales pitches and empty promises. Our goal is pure and simple: to protect you, your family, and your home. After evaluating your home, we will help you choose the right service for your budget and needs. To schedule a free security consultation or learn more about the different services we have to offer, give us a call or fill out the form available on our website.

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