Moore Protection

Home Monitoring System & Other Summer Travel Safety Tips

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homeowner-using-phone-to-mointorGet A Home Monitoring System For Vacations And Beyond

When you go away on vacation, you have a lot to think through. You need to make sure you pack the right items and that you have all of your tickets and necessities in place. The last thing you want is to forget something pertinent. After you get all that lined up, you might start to worry about what will happen to your house while you are away. Before you start your summer traveling, you should consider taking some measures to protect your property while you are away. Here are tips to help you with summer safety while you are traveling.

Tip 1: Put In A Home Monitoring System

It’s always a good idea to have a home monitoring system and you may even be able to get a break on your insurance premiums if you have one because your home will be safer overall. When you are away from home for an extended period of time, it can give you peace of mind that things will be undisturbed when you come back the next week. There are a variety of home monitoring systems on the market and you can choose what works best for your needs, both for your vacation traveling and your everyday life when you are home.

Tip 2: Stop The Mail

Your mail is delivered every day, but if you are going to be gone for a week or longer, you don’t want those things piling up in your mailbox or on your front porch. Intruders will notice that no one is taking things in and they are more likely to “hit” your house if they know you aren’t home. Have the mail stopped by filling out a hold mail form at the post office or ask a neighbor to pick it up and take it in for you.

Tip 3: Make Motion Happen

If anyone is watching your house, they’re going to notice it’s pretty stagnant. No one is coming or going and nothing is happening around it. Prevent anyone from automatically knowing you’re not home by putting some lights on timers in various locations throughout the house. You can also have a neighbor put the trash out on the right day so it looks like you’re home as well. The more activity you can have going on around your home to make it look used, the less likely you are to have an incident.

Contact The Right Home Security Monitoring Company

If you’re preparing your home for summer travels, home security monitoring should be at the top of your list. Perhaps even above packing. If the time is right to get going on home security monitoring, contact Moore Protection for ideas and options. We’re here to help ensure your home is as safe as possible, whether you are home or not. No one wants to come home after traveling somewhere relaxing and fun to find out their home has been breached. Let Moore Protection help you avoid that intrusion.

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